RNAlab Scientists


Artem Babaian

"From all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

email | cv | gh

Jawad Chowdhury
Research Assistant

Silence is Golden

Purav Gupta
High School Student

"That kid's ganna be smarter than all of us." -Artem

Aiden Hillier
Research Assistant

Aspiring chef and the lab's resident pie baker. Computational biology is my side gig.

Sergei Lenskii
Research Associate

Hope is stronger than fear.

Declan Lim
Research Assistant

Just trying to help humans update their anti virus software.

Alex Morales
Software Consultant (External)

20+ or so years jumping between academia, industry and (tech-enabled) seclusion.


Luke Pereira
Software Engineer

Interested in geometry, graphs, and their applications in deep learning and computational biology


Hannah Le
Thesis Student/Consultant

Non-dark matter in the universe hoping to understand dark world of viruses.
